"MIK HFC" LLC successfully issued a $225 million bond on the international capital market
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More...Сингапур улсад болсон Олон улсын ипотекийн хоёрдогч зах зээлийн холбооны (ISMMA) ээлжит хуралд “МИК ОССК” ХХК-ийн гүйцэтгэх захирал Б.Гантулга оролцлоо.
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Mongolian Mortgage Corporation's 16th anniversary
Chief Executive Officer of MIK, B. Gantulga, participated in the conference on "Developing and Financing Green Housing in Asia" and attended the regular meeting of "ASMMA" member organizations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
On the occasion of the 1st anniversary of the over-the-counter market, forum was organized in cooperation with the Association of Securities Traders and the Financial Regulatory Commission, and MIK participated as a sponsor.
MIK participated in the "Sustainable Development Goals" open day organized by the United Nations.
"MIK Holding" JSC presented its financial and operational report for the first half of 2022 to the public at the Mongolian Stock Exchange
MSE concluded that "MIK Holding" JSC fully fulfilled its obligations.
FRC granted special permission to "MIK Asset Twenty Nine SPC" LLC to issue RMBS
Representatives of banking and finance, led by the Deputy Minister of Finance of Kyrgyzstan, visited MIK and exchanged experiences.
A regular meeting of shareholders of "MIK Holding" JSC was held, and issues such as the company's 2021 operational and financial report and amendments to the company's charter were discussed and approved.
Independent member of the Board of Directors of "MIK Holding" JSC, economist Ch. Khaschuluun has been appointed as the deputy chairman of the board of directors of "MIK Holding" JSC.
Chief Executive Officer B. Gantulga participated as a panelist in the discussion on "Bond market development, regulatory environment and issues to be considered for bond issuance" of "IPO Mongolia 2022 Forum".
The Chief Executive Officer of "MIK Holding" JSC, B. Gantulga, participated as a panelist in the sub-discussion on "Revival of Green Development" of the Mongolian Economic Forum.
"MIK Holding" JSC has joined the "Billion Trees" national movement initiated by the President of Mongolia and plans to plant one million trees.
In accordance with the decision of State Great Khural to amend “Law on COVID-19 prevention, fight, and mitigation of its socioeconomic impact”, the mortgage payment deferral program have been extended until December 31, 2022.
"MIK Asset Twenty Seven SPC" LLC issued mortgage-backed securities worth 80.66 billion MNT and "MIK Asset Twenty Eight SPC" LLC issued mortgage-backed securities worth 76.41 billion MNT respectively
“Mongolian Mortgage Corporation HFC” LLC won the “Forbes Mongolia Finance Awards 2021” and received the “Biggest Fund Raise” award.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, a forum on “Housing and Finance” was organized.
More...“MIK Asset Twenty Six SPC” LLC issued mortgage-backed securities worth over 101.9 billion MNT.
Mongolian Mortgage Corporation's 15th anniversary
MIK Holding JSC became a member of the Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association (MFSA).
Within the framework of social responsibility, the "Laminar flow surgery room of the General Department of Anesthesia" was renovated at the First State Central Hospital.
Moody's has reaffirmed the credit rating of MIK HFC LLC at "B3" or "stable".
In accordance with the decision of State Great Khural to amend “Law on COVID-19 prevention, fight, and mitigation of its socioeconomic impact”, the mortgage payment deferral program have been extended until December 31, 2021.
S&P Global changed its outlook on MIK HFC LLC to “Negative” from “Stable”.
The regular Shareholders meeting of MIK Holding JSC was held and elected the members of the Board of Directors.
Moody’s changed Mongolian Mortgage Corporation’s outlook from negative to stable.
ISMMA meeting was organized virtually.
MIK Asset Twenty Six LLC was established.
MIK Asset Twenty Five SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of over MNT 108 billon.
MIK HFC LLC raised USD 250 million worth of bonds on the internationl capital market at 8.85% for 3 year tenor.
FRC granted special permission to MIK Asset Twenty Five LLC to issue RMBS of MNT 100 billion.
The 7th Asian Fixed Income Summit (AFIS) organized virtually.
In co-operation with Japan Housing Finance Agency organized an online seminar on “Green Housing Financing - 2020”.
The Government of Mongolia has extended the mortgage payment deferral program for mortgage loans issued under the Affordable housing finance program until July 1, 2021.
Due to the “COVID-19” we have work remotely.
The Governor of the Bank of Mongolia issued a Decree to amend the “Residential mortgage loan financing procedure” to reduce the interest rate of housing mortgage loans to 6%.
Change in the composition of the Board of Directors.
MIK Asset Twenty-Four SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 112 billion.
Standard & Poor's reaffirmed the company's credit rating at 'B stable'.
The Bank of Mongolia, commercial banks and MIK HFC LLC renewed the General Housing Financing Agreement.
Moody's downgraded the company's credit rating by one notch to “B3, negative” at the same level as Mongolia's credit rating.
The regular shareholders meeting of "MIK Holding" JSC was held online for the first time in accordance with the current situation.
The Government of Mongolia is taking measures to ease households’ financial burden during the "COVID-19” pandemic which included to freeze mortgage payments for 6 months.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has decided to defer the repayment of mortgage loans for 3 + 3 months.
MIK Asset Twenty-Three SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 87 billion.
MIK Asset Twenty-Two SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 95 billion.
An irregular shareholders meeting of MIK Holding JSC has been convened.
MIK Asset Twenty-One SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 97 billion.
Mongolian Mortgage Corporation HFC (MIK HFC) has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Japan Housing Finance Agency in Tokyo, Japan.
MIK Asset Twenty SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 120 billion.
MIK Asset Nineteen SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 100 billion.
MIK HFC LLC was named the best taxpayer in the capital city
Mongolian Mortgage Corporation HFC's 300 million USD Bond awarded for "Best Deal" for the "Bloomberg Awards 2018".
Became a member of the International Secondary Mortgage Market Association.
The bond issue was increased by $ 50 million to a total of $300 million due to high pre-orders.
MIK HFC LLC traded $250 million worth of three-year bonds with an interest rate of 9.75% in the international financial markets.
MIK Asset Eighteen SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 92 billion.
MIK Asset Seventeen SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 100 billion.
Mongolian Mortgage Corporation HFC LLC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Cagamas Berhad National Mortgage Corporation of Malaysia. The agreement is aimed at supporting the housing market and housing finance. The two companies will enhance their corporation, preform joint studies on housing finance, as well as sharing experiences and know how.
MIK Asset Sixteen SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 100 billion.
Mongolian Mortgage Corporation HFC LLC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Korea Housing Finance Corporation. The agreement is aimed at supporting the housing market and housing finance. The two companies will enhance their corporation, specifically finding solutions to problems in the market, as well as sharing experiences and know how.
Mongolian Mortgage Corporation HFC LLC successfully organized the 5th Asian Fixed Income Summit in cooperation with Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, the Ministry of Finance as well as the Financial Regulatory Commission.
“МИК Актив Арван Тав ТЗК” ХХК 129 гаруй тэрбум төгрөгийн орон сууцны зээлээр баталгаажсан үнэт цаас гаргав.
The plenary Shareholders’ meeting of MIK Holding JSC convened.
On March 29, 2018 MIK Holding JSC and MIK HFC LLC has been rated on par with Mongolia’s sovereign rating by Fitch international rating agency ratings “B-, stable”.
MIK Holding JSC and MIK HFC LLC has been rated on par with Mongolia’s sovereign rating by Moody’s international rating agency ratings “B3, stable”.
MIK Asset Fourteen SPC LLC issued RMBS in the amount of MNT over 139 billion.
"MIK Asset Ten SPC" LLC, "MIK Asset Eleven SPC" LLC issued RMBS of 160 billion MNT on February 1. "MIK Asset Twelve SPC" LLC - 262 billion MNT on May 17. "MIK Asset Thirteen SPC" LLC -179,2 billion MNT on October 27.
"MIK Asset Eight SPC" LLC- 186.3 billion MNT on February 5. "MIK Asset Nine SPC" LLC- 106,1 billion MNT on April 22.
Issued RMBS: MIK Asset Four SPC” LLC - 452.25 billion MNT on January 30. MIK Asset Five SPC LLC -294.3 billion MNT on June 10. MIK Asset Five SPC LLC - 452.25 billion MNT on June 10. MIK Asset Seven SPC LLC -293.8 billion MNT on December 11.
MIK Asset Two SPC LLC issues RMBS of 222 billion MNT on July 10. MIK Asset Three SPC LLC issues RMBS of 324.5 billion MNT on November 30.
Монголын Ипотекийн Корпораци Монголын Үндэсний Худалдаа Аж Үйлдвэрийн Танхимын жинхэнэ гишүүнээр элсэв.
2006 оны 10 дугаар сарын 6-нд Монголбанк болон арилжааны 10 банк (Анод банк, Голомт банк, Капитал банк, Капитрон банк, Монгол шуудан банк, Хаан банк, Хасбанк, Худалдаа Хөгжлийн банк, Зоос банк, Улаанбаатар хотын банк) хамтран Ипотекийн анхдагч болон хоёрдогч зах зээлийн үйл ажиллагааг хөгжүүлэн дэмжих зорилгоор компани үүсгэн байгуулах хурал хийж, Монголын Ипотекийн Корпорацийг үүсгэн байгуулж, Гүйцэтгэх захирлын үүрэг гүйцэтгэгчээр Эдийн засгийн бодлогын шинэтгэл, өрсөлдөх чадвар төслийн зөвлө