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"Mongolian Mortgage Corporation" has become the pioneer in the financial industry to introduce international compliance management standards

The Mongolian Mortgage Corporation has been implementing international standards and best practices since its establishment. In 2017, it was the first organization to implement the ISO 27001:2013 Information Security standard, and in 2022, it will implement the ISO 31000:2018 international standard for risk management.

The Mongolian Mortgage Corporation, a financial institution that promotes the development of the secondary mortgage market and facilitates asset-backed securitization, has successfully implemented the ISO 37301:2021 international compliance management standard in its operations. As a result, it has become the first organization in the financial sector of Mongolia to adopt the international standard for Compliance Management.

On June 7th, 2023, an international ISO standard certification ceremony took place at the Embassy of the Republic of India, where Ambassador M.P. Singh and Mr. G. Bilguun, the CEO of "MonCertf" LLC, presented the three-year certification certificate of the standard to Ms. D. Otgonbileg, the Chief Risk Officer at the Mongolian Mortgage Corporation.

Although the concept of compliance is relatively new, the Mongolian Mortgage Corporation established a compliance unit in 2017 in accordance with the Law on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, FATF recommendations, Mongolian laws, regulations of government authorities, international agreements, and legal acts. In addition to fulfilling its obligations, the corporation has been actively involved in various activities related to health, cultural heritage protection, and environmental initiatives, all within the framework of business ethics and social responsibility.

By adopting the internationally recognized ISO 37301:2021 standard, the corporation's management system ensures compliance with the laws and regulations at an international level. It also promotes a culture of compliance within the organization's internal operations, mitigates compliance risks, supports transparency for internal and external stakeholders, and enhances investors' confidence, safeguarding their interests and expanding operational efficiency and scale.

The Mongolian Mortgage Corporation has been committed to implementing international standards and best practices since its establishment. In 2017, it became the first organization to implement the ISO 27001:2013 Information Security standard, and in 2022, it plans to implement the ISO 31000:2018 international standard for risk management.